Sunday, April 3, 2011

She's here!

We'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family,
Harper Susanna Ashdown.

She was born Saturday morning just before noon and weighed 6lbs 2oz and is 17 3/4 inches long and is doing fantastically well despite being 4 weeks early.

On Friday morning Elizabeth started feeling light contractions and timed them throughout the day. As she was still early we tried a couple of things to get the contractions to subside. By midnight the contractions were 3 minutes apart and our doctor advised us to go into the hospital. Elizabeth did an amazing job during the labor and delivery without any pain medications and Harper stayed really strong throughout. This is in stark contrast to Harper's dad, who cried like a little girl when she was born.

We're ecstatic about her arrival and excited for everyone to meet her in person. In the mean time, here are a few pictures.


  1. Congratulations! She's beautiful! I can't imagine a natural birth...amazing!

  2. YAY!!! So glad she's finally here! Congratulations to you guys! She is so beautiful! We want to come visit and meet her, so just let us know what time is best for you guys and we'll be down! Also let us know if you need dinner or anything. We'd love to help! Congrats again!

  3. Perfect.
    Everything about her is perfect.
    Especially her middle name.

    If you are trying to make me love her, it's too late. I already do.

  4. I just can't stop staring at her picture. I've got the most beautiful grand-daughter! I can't wait to hold her next week!

  5. She is BEAUTIFUL!! Lucy and I can't wait to meet her. PLEASE plan time for us when you travel up this way.

  6. What a sweet looking baby! She doesn't look preemie, and that's a great name

  7. I was actually very happy to be the first one to comment...and then my phone wouldn't let me comment! So I am back now, ready to say CONGRATS!! She is soooo pretty. I showed her pictures to Kyle and he totally agreed--what a beautiful baby! So happy for all of you.

  8. Oh My goodness to get out 4 weeks early and have everything be perfect. Sign me up for that one. Congratulations. She is darling.
